Import & Sync Offers

OffersHub lets you connect your dashboard with 1000s of advertisers and affiliate networks around the world with just a few clicks. Simply obtain your API credentials from your advertiser and put them in OffersHub. Once you successfully configured API details with us, you can browse all of the offers in their systems from your OffersHub dashboard and import them into your campaign list just by a click.

Import & Sync Offers

Manage Sources

In order to connect your OffersHub platform with  your advertisers or other affiliate networks, You need obtain API credentials from them and  configure your platform. In order to do that, Simply navigate to “ Offers ‣ Import Offers ‣ Import From 3rd Party” and select Manage Sources. 

Manage Sources

To add a new source, click on “Add new source”. On the add new source form, simply fill your source data as below

NameYesName of the source for your reference
Tracking ProviderYesSelect the tracking platform used by your advertiser or select your advertisers name. If you don’t know what platform to select, simply contact 24/7 chat support
API CredentialsYesEnter API credentials you obtained from your advertiser such as API keys 
AdvertiserYesSelect the local advertiser account you created for this advertiser
Click ID ParameterYesSelect the click ID parameter from the list which advertisers use to track your click IDs
Source Network`s Default Currency
YesSelect your Advertisers Platform Currency
Auto Sync
OptionalEnable or Disable Auto sync Offers List
Revenue Share (% Amount)YesEnter the % amount of revenue you sharing with publishers for this advertiser. For example, if you put 75% here and Advertiser provides you $1.00 per one conversion for one specific offer, System will set offer revenue as $1.00 and Payout as $0.75 

Once everything is filled, submit the form. System will take up to 60 minutes to show the offers from your advertiser in offer explorer.

Explore Offers of All of Your Advertisers in Once Page

One of the amazing features that OffersHub offers you is you can browse most up to date list offers from multiple sources from one page, compare, filter and import them into your network in just one click. 

Explore Offers of All of Your Advertisers in Once Page

One Click Import

Got an offer ID from your advertiser and just want to create it on your platform without filling a long form? No problem, we got you. Just enter select your advertiser and enter the offer Id in one click import dialog and create offers in seconds.

One Click Import

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