
Import & Sync Offers

OffersHub lets you connect your dashboard with 1000s of advertisers and affiliate networks around the world with just a few clicks. Simply obtain your API credentials from your advertiser and put them in OffersHub. Once you successfully configured API details with us, you can browse all of the offers in their systems from your OffersHub …

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Manage Offer Categories

Offer Categories helps you to organize your campaigns so that you, your team members and publishers can easily find offers they are looking for using category filters. You can also generate reports according to offer categories and analyze which offer categories works best for you and your publishers.  To access offer categories, simply navigate to …

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Block/Filter Unwanted Traffic

Block/Filter by Offer Targeting Rules In the previous section, we’ve discussed about how to define traffic targeting rules. In this section we will show you how to enable traffic filtering according to rules you’ve defined.  By default, traffic filtering is not enabled for your offers. You can enable traffic filtering option when you creating an …

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Advanced Offer Targeting

OffersHub advanced offer targeting allows you to define number of options as campaign targeting rules. Those rules will help you to filter unwanted traffic and inform your publishers that what kind of traffic your campaign is looking for. For example, You can define supported countries in the country targeting, so the tracking system will filter …

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Scheduling Changes

Let’s assume that your advertiser going to change one of your offers status or payout tonight and you want to apply the same change  in your system as well at the exact time. With OffersHub, that’s possible with scheduling options provided including automatically notify your publishers about the change going to affect as well. Scheduling …

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How to Create an Offer

OffersHub lets you to create an offer in multiple ways. In this section, we will show you how to create an offer using your dashboard console. Behalf of that, you can also create offers using your Partner API, Advertiser API, import from a 3rd party network using Offer Sync API or import offers from a …

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Setting Up Your Network

Branding your dashboard   By default we deliver your dashboard without any branding. So let’s go ahead and add your network/company name, logos and other branding details on your dashboard so everyone can identify that it yours. Since, OffersHub is sold as a white label publisher/affiliate tracking solution. We provide you with the adaptability to alter/modify …

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