Scheduling Changes

Let’s assume that your advertiser going to change one of your offers status or payout tonight and you want to apply the same change  in your system as well at the exact time. With OffersHub, that’s possible with scheduling options provided including automatically notify your publishers about the change going to affect as well.

Scheduling an offer status change

  1. Go to the offer you want to schedule the status change
  2. Click on “Change Status” button
  3. On the dialog box, Select the new offer status, check on “Schedule Change” and then enter the date and time when you want to apply the change and click save.

Scheduling Changes

Scheduling an offer payout change

PS: If you have enabled tired payouts or offer events, payout update scheduling option will not be available.

  1. Go to the offer you want to schedule the payout update
  2. Click on edit payouts
  3. Enter new payout and revenue amount, check on “Schedule Update” and enter the time and date when want to apply the change. Once done, click update.

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