How to Add SSL certificate for Custom Application & Tracking Domain

What Is SSL? What Is an SSL Certificate?

Secure sockets layer, or SSL, is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client, typically a web server (website) and a web browser, or a mail server and a mail client (e.g., Outlook).

Typically, data sent between web browsers and web servers is transmitted in plain text — leaving users vulnerable to digital eavesdropping. This data can be anything, from a mailing address in a form, to credit card numbers on a check-out page, to years of emails and saved documents. If an attacker intercepts this data as it passes through an unsecured connection, they can collect and use that information.

SSL, on the other hand, encrypts this data, allowing sensitive information to be transmitted securely. When a browser connects to a website secured by SSL, the browser checks for proof that it is secure, which is provided by an SSL certificate hosted by the web server. If the browser verifies the SSL certificate is authentic, the server and the browser establish a private connection. The website and browser then use shared cryptographic keys to encrypt information sent between them, check the integrity of the data sent, and authenticate the identity of the transmitting party.

The easiest way to tell if a website is secure is by looking in the URL. If you see “https” instead of “http,” your connection is private — the “s” stands for “secure.”

If you’re using Offershub dashboard and tracking subdomains (* or *, you don’t need to worry about SSL because it would preinstalled for you. But if you want to to use custom domains for tracking and dashboard access, these guidelines are for you. Although custom domains and SSL certificates are not necessary for platform functionality, they are still important to protect digital data and personally identifying information in marketing platforms.

Dashboard SSL

  • Trial accounts are not eligible.
  • Pricing for SSL addon as follow;
    • Start-up Plan : $100 One Time setup fee + $10 monthly fee for dedicated IP
    • Professional Plan: No setup fee or monthly fee
    • Enterprise Plan: No setup fee or monthly fee
  • The whole setup time would take up-to 2 business days.
  • If needed the customer can provide us with their own certificates to be implemented or we can implement a free certificate.

Tracking Domain SSL

  • Trial accounts and Start-up plan users are not eligible.
  • The customer has to provide their own certificates and key files to be implemented.
  • The whole setup time would take up-to 3 business days.
  • No setup fees will be charged, only an extra monthly fee of 20$ for the dedicated load balancer.

If you are an OffersHub customer and would like to add SSL to your custom domain, please contact your dedicated account manager or reach out to or just drop a message in the general support Skype.

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