Configure Affiliate Features

To configure Affiliate Features you can go to,

Settings > System Preferences > Affiliate Settings > Edit 

affiliate features
Affiliate Sign Up Page TextAdd custom message to show in affiliate sign up page.
Auto Approve Affiliate AccountsWhen affiliate signup you can set the account as pending to verify by one of employee.
Allow affiliate managers to approve pending accountsAllow affiliate managers to see pending accounts and assingn themselves as account manager.
Hide inactive Conversions from Affiliate Managers Enable this if you don’t want to show pending or rejected conversions to affiliate managers.”
Affiliates multiple user accountsAllow affiliates to have multiple user accounts and manage them.
Show Default Smart LinkShow Default Smart Link to affiliates.
Hide Offer CapsHide offer caps to affiliates.
Hide Sale AmountHide Sale Amount of CPS campaigns from affiliate.
Conversions AccessManage which type of conversions can affiliate see.
Allow affiliate to Access OffersHub APIEnable or disable access of OffersHub API to affiliates
Auto Approve Affiliate Postback Pixels/URLsAllow system to auto approve or set pending status until manual approve new postback pixels adding by affiliates.
Affiliate Referrals CommissionsEnable or Disable affiliate referal feature and referral commisions.
Enable Affiliate BillingEnable affiliate billing features
Affiliate Invoicing FrequencyAffiliate Invoicing Frequency
Auto Generate InvoicesYou can let OffersHub to generate invoices automatically end of each payment term.
Available Payment MethodsManage payment methods. (Payoneer, Direct, PayTM (India), Skrill, ACH (Local Bank Transfer), BKash (Bangladesh), Rocket (Bangladesh), also you can request for a differnt/ new payment method if your preffered payment method is not available with us right now.
Default Payment MethodDefault Payment Method. (Payoneer, Direct, PayTM (India), Skrill, ACH (Local Bank Transfer), BKash (Bangladesh), Rocket (Bangladesh), also you can request for a differnt/ new payment method if your preffered payment method is not available with us right now.
Tax Deduction Rate %Setup % of tax rate to deduct from each invoice generate. Set 0 for no deduction
Default ThresholdThe minum amount affiliate must earn to generate invoice. Set value 0 to generate invoice for any amount.

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