Each and every offer you interact with has information that’s conveyed from step to step in the advertising funnel. So what is an offer attribution method? the technical process our servers use to define how and where session information is stored is what is called an offer’s attribution method . Likewise it defines which identifier our servers use to validate conversions for that offer.
You’ll be asked to select an “attribution method/ tracking protocol” when you create an offer in OffersHub.
There are two wide categories of attribution methods in OffersHub – Server postback tracking and Pixel tracking.
Below is an explanation of the available attribution methods in OffersHub.
Server Postback Tracking
When you use server postback tracking methods (also known as “postback tracking” and server-side tracking”), OffersHub directly sends a session identifier to the advertiser on click. Then advertisers store this identifier for the user’s life-cycle however they think is best, such as in variable or database.
Upon conversion, the advertiser then communicates that identifier (also called as “firing a postback” / “fires a postback”) to OffersHub for validation. This whole process is handled between two servers, so it works on their own depending on the users moves between steps.
Also note that there are two types of postback tracking methods, which differ based on the identified used for conversion validation: Postback with Click ID and Postback with Affiliate ID
Pixel Tracking
Pixel Tracking methods (also called “cookie-based tracking” and “client-side tracking”) stores a OffersHub session identifier in a user’s browser cookie on click. The term “pixel” refers to a 1 x 1 pixel HTML container which houses an offer’s conversion link.
This pixel would be placed on a “Thank You” or other confirmation page that would indicate a successful conversion, by the advertiser. When a user loads that pixel, it would check for a session identifier in the user’s browser cookie and record a conversion for that session.
Please note that this category solely depend on the cookie functionality to track conversions, so other factors like ad blockers and clearing cookies will affect your results.
There are four types of pixel tracking methods, which differs based on the HTML container and security protocol,
- HTTP image pixel
- HTTP iframe pixel
- HTTPS image pixel
- HTTPS ifram pixel
Why Should You Choose Different Methods?
Each offer is different, as well as the advertiser and the affiliate. You will easily align with the technical and process limitations of others when you choose the appropriate attribution method for an offer. You can use a specific method to run an advertisers offer, if they can only measure conversions using that attribution method.
Attribution methods each have their own merits. Inherent differences in how they work and in the situations they’re designed to work means there is a better method for every situation.