Publisher permissions listed below can be easily restricted or allowed by just a toggle on a button for the respective field using the steps given below,
- Affiliates > Manage Affiliates
- Select /click on the Affiliate that you want restrict or allow permissions to
- Click on “Permissions”
- Now you can toggle the permission you want to enable/disable for the relevant publisher.
Permission | Description |
Access Reports | If disabled, publisher won’t able to access their reports using their dashboard or API |
Export Reports | If disabled, publisher won’t able to export their reports using their dashboard or API |
Access Offers | If disabled, publisher won’t able to access list of offers using their dashboard or API |
Make Offer Applications | If disabled, publisher won’t able to send offer applications using their dashboard or API |
Access Smart Links | If disabled, publisher won’t able to see smart links using their dashboard or API |
Access Billing | If disabled, publisher won’t able to access billing profile or invoices using their dashboard or API |
Update Account/Billing Information | If disabled, publisher won’t able to update their billing profile or account details using their dashboard or API |
Access API | If disabled, publisher won’t able to see API access details on their dashboard and API access will be disabled. |
Manage postback URLs | If disabled, publisher won’t able to see and add postback URLs from their dashboard or API |