Setting up Secure Postback
As mentioned in the previous article, you can set a secure postback by enabling postback security key and you can even whitelist the IPs if needed.
As mentioned in the previous article, you can set a secure postback by enabling postback security key and you can even whitelist the IPs if needed.
To create an advertiser in your system, go to Advertisers > Create Advertiser. On the page that appears, You can input all the necessary information to create an account for an advertiser. Now you can fill the security settings where you can enable the postback security key and whitelist the IPs if needed. As for …
As your network develops, the more individuals start to log into your system, making changes to settings, or changing contact information for publishers or changing billing info. With such a significant number of workers in your garden, it is very hard to keep up a firm outline of your whole system and you may end …
Click logs helps you to see your click data and keep track of them. To advance the straightforwardness and the quality of your data, we give you an exportable click log records. These records give you data about every single click in your system so you can explore each click your system receives. We also …
OffersHub gives you an overview of event logs as it happening. In event logs, you can find trending and latest events. Trending events are the most repeated events with number of repeated count, time of the first event occurrence and last event occurrence time, at the end of the day it’s simply an aggregated summary. …
OffersHub let’s you to monitor all of your network stats in real time as the events happening. You can use this feature to optimize your campaigns and detect anomalies in real time.
Refer below to get an idea of how to generate custom reports and the options/ filters that are offered by offershub when you are generating custom reports as well as saving/exporting generated reports.
This report shows data about traffic/impressions/conversions by device types (mobile, desktop, tv..), platform/os, OS version, browser and browser versions, so you can use those insights to optimize your traffic. (Only available for Business Plan customers)
This report shows data about traffic/impressions/conversions by mobile networks, ISPs, network types (wifi, mobile data..), so you can use those insights to optimize your traffic. (Only available for Business Plan customers)
This report shows data about traffic/impressions/conversions by referral websites and apps so you can use those insights to optimize your traffic. (Only available for Business Plan customers)