You can easily extend beyond the most common image banners, or else if you want to provide your publishers with email templates that they can send to their email lists. On this article you’ll learn how to use these creative types.
The fundamental difference between HTML and Email creative is that an unsubscribe link is added to the end of an email creative. And also email creatives do not have set height and width parameters.
Adding a HTML & Email Creative
To add a HTML or email creative with OffersHub, first go to, Offers > Creative Manager and click on Upload a Creative. And on the pop up window that comes up, select the offer you want to add the banner to then type in a name of your choice for the offer. Once done select either “HTML Ad” or “Email Creative” from the drop down under Creative Type. If you selected the HTML creative type, then you can type in the width and height dimensions. Once all that is done you can paste in the creative code and insert the tracking link macros to their respective spots.